We have years of experience performing ALL aspects of the Makeover Mortgage process. Makeover Homes is the flagship company that provides infrastructure for all of the Makeover brands

We are Lenders, General Contractors, Realtors, HUD Consultants/Home Inspectors and offer all of these services to our clients and referral partners

We Are Renovation Consultants / Home Inspectors

We are Licensed Home Inspectors & Renovation Consultants with our HUD #'s. We have performed hundreds of renovation jobs using the Makeover Mortgage process. Join our national network to service the mortgage industry

We Are General Contractors

We are licensed bonded and insured General Contractors and have performed hundreds of renovation jobs using the Makeover Mortgage process. Plus we have a large network of experienced contractors that are familiar with the Makeover Mortgage Process

We Are Lenders

Work with our preferred lenders to get DUAL PRE APPROVED for the best loan product that fits your unique situation. The Dual Pre- Approval allows the client the option to ROLL RENOVATIONS into the mortgage if they want. We also hold an NMLS # and provide mortgage services to clients that are not already working with a lender. Renovation Loans are our SPECIALTY

We Are Real Estate Brokers

We have represented clients as their Realtor. Our preferred agents give clients MORE OPTIONS to find or create a new home. Our clients don't have to settle for what is on the market. They have the OPTION to ROLL RENOVATION costs into the purchase mortgage to make the home exactly what they want. We hold a Real Estate Brokers license in the state of Indiana and have a national referral network of Realtors