The Benefits for Borrowers when they use the MAKEOVER Network & Process

We Assist Home Buyers & Homeowners For FREE, That Are Using A Renovation Loan To Roll Renovations Into The Mortgage
MAKEOVER helps YOU the client create a DREAM TEAM to navigate the Renovation Loan Process from start to finish. We specialize in working with clients that want or need to Roll Renovations into the mortgage. We like to say "Every Home Deserves A Makeover". The Makeover Mortgage process is all about GIVING CLIENTS MORE OPTIONS. By using the Dual Pre-Approval process and surrounding them with their own MAKEOVER dream team of Lenders, Contractors, Inspectors & Consultants. We help clients get MORE of what they want and need in their home. With this process clients can buy the home "AS IS" or ROLL RENOVATIONS into the mortgage. Plus it can be used with a REFINACE for those homeowners who would rather renovate their existing home, instead of moving. Let us introduce you to your dream team so you can confidently navigate the MAKEOVER mortgage process .
"Don't Settle For Old & Outdated, When You Can Have Fully Renovated"
Don't Waste Time Assembling Your Renovation Loan Dream Team

MAKEOVER Is Unlike Any Other Renovation Loan Network
Work with the best and most experienced, Lenders, Renovation / FHA 203K HUD Consultants, Contractors & Realtors in the industry.
The renovation loan niche requires a team of trained professionals, in order to make the process smooth. If everyone is on the same page and performing their duties, the process can be very easy. However with the wrong team it can be very challenging and frustrating.
Leverage our Network and let us help you build your TEAM

Work With The Best & Most Experienced Pros In The Renovation Loan Industry
Borrower Clients use our network get professional assistance for FREE through the entire renovation loan process from start to finish. Leverage our network of Lenders, Contractors, Consultants, Inspectors & Realtors. Let us help you assemble your DREAM TEAM

Free Tools & Education
Borrower Clients using our network get FREE professional assistance through the entire renovation loan process from start to finish. Leverage our tools, systems, education & relationships to confidently ROLL RENOVATIONS INTO YOUR MORTGAGE.
Work with the best Renovation Loan Lenders in the industry

Leverage Our Preferred Lender List - Get A Warm Introduction To A Local Renovation Loan Expert
These Lenders have years of experience in the renovation loan niche. They all use the MAKEOVER MORTGAGE process to better assist their clients. They are ready for a client introduction to get you Dual Pre-Approved for the right loan for you. Let us help you BUILD YOUR DREAM TEAM and work with a quality loan officer that is experienced with the MAKEOVER mortgage process.
Work with the best Renovation Loan Contractors & Suppliers in the industry

Leverage Our Preferred Contractor List - Get A Warm Introduction To A Local Contractor
These Contractors have completed the training & validation process. They are ready for a client introduction. Let us help you BUILD YOUR DREAM TEAM and work with a quality contractor that is familiar with the MAKEOVER mortgage process.

Leverage Our Preferred Suppliers - We Make It Easy To Pick Quality Materials & Decor' Selections
Preferred Suppliers are ready to serve you and your Contractor. Let us help you BUILD YOUR DREAM TEAM and work with quality Suppliers that are familiar with the MAKEOVER mortgage process.
Work with the best local Realtors that understand the MAKEOVER mortgage process

Leverage Our Preferred Realtor List - Get A Warm Introduction To A Local Realtor
Preferred Realtors are ready to serve you. Let us help you BUILD YOUR DREAM TEAM and work with experienced local Realtors that are familiar with the MAKEOVER mortgage process.
Work with the best Renovation Loan Inspectors & Consultants in the industry

Leverage Our Network of Trained & Experienced Consultants & Home Inspectors
All of our MAKEOVER Consultants are also licensed Home Inspectors with a minimum of 3 years experience, construction knowledge, trained on how to gather data just like an estimator. They all have an FHA 203K Consultant number and have completed Makeover University Consultant training. Plus they operate on the Makeover-App digital platform that tracks, communicates, automates, streamlines and standardizes the process.

Industry Leading Technology
MAKEOVER Created a Proprietary App, Recruiting & Training program, plus Automated Processes & Systems that allows us to scale the services offered unlike anyone else in the industry
We give all parties MORE OPTIONS and connect them all together on one seamless platform

FREE Education For Borrowers
Talk To A Makeover Concierge

Call Us 1-855-962-5368
FREE Assistance to assemble a great team and get introductions to local MAKOVER professionals. Let our Concierge help you find a Lender, Contractor, Consultant, Inspector & Realtor
Start Your Journey With Us
We are here to help you from START to FINISH. Our Concierge will first learn more about you and your needs. Then they will help match you up with local professionals to assist you along your Renovation & Housing journey. Our Concierges are ready to get to work for you.